Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Introduction (Densha Otoko)

Today I watched a movie called Densha Otoko (translated as Train Man) and was interested by the concept. The plot, if you don’t know and don’t want to search for it, starts off with a seemingly beyond all help anime nerd getting on a train. While on the train, an older, overly drunk gentleman starts harassing various people on the train. The gentleman gets a little physical with one passenger and the main character stumbles into him to divert his attention. With a look of terror on his face, the nerd knows he’s about to get hit, but the Train Security steps in just in time.

Throughout the movie, the anime nerd named simply, Train, and the girl, named Hermes because of the brand of tea cups she sent him as a thank you, go on several dates throughout the movie, each excruciatingly awkward in its own way. Helping him along on these dates are the main character’s friends. They progress the story. He talks to them via a message board called, a Japanese equivalent to Each friend has their own style of responding and their own 2 cents to throw in, but all of them are supportive of Train’s quest to get closer to this girl.

“This will be a long story. I’d better introduce myself first.” –Train Man

I’m currently 19 years old and a university sophomore studying English literature. I picked my major based solely on the fact that I was pretty good at it. This is going to sound a bit silly, but there aren’t many things I enjoy. My solemn outlook on activities, events, and people keep me in an almost apathetic state of mind. I usually only have only one group of friends that I hang out with at one time. However, recent events have unraveled anything that remained of our friendship. It’s a silly concept in the movie, but I don’t see why it can’t work. Everywhere I go online, I see people putting other people down and laughing at them, usually for completely invalid reasons. I’m here in an attempt to stop this, while keeping you all up to date with my daily happenings, or lack thereof.

When I like something, I thrust myself into it without looking at any possible consequences. When I indulge in something, it’s going to yield positive results. Obviously, this is a fallacy, but it doesn’t stop me from doing it time and time again. Some recent ventures of mine have been: Wing Chun Kung Fu, Sushi & Sashimi, nunchaku, and blogging. While there are constants in my life, there are many more variables. I’m not sure if you realized this either, but the recent ventures are all Far East related; my interest in anything Asian is a constant. Starting today, I will hopefully develop a decent chronicle of my obsessive interests while simultaneously maintaining an interesting blog.


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